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EQUITY ISA FUND TIPS: How to find the right equity income fund for your Isa

PUBLISHED: 22:21 GMT, 24 March 2012 | UPDATED: 09:05 GMT, 25 March 2012
Article from This is Money

With the end of the tax year around the corner, time is running out for savers and investors to shelter money from the clutches of the taxman. 

Financial Mail assesses some of the best opportunities available for those who want to put their Isa allowance before April 5 into investment funds. The maximum is £10,680 in the current tax year – and a further £11,280 in the tax year starting on April 6.


Many financial advisers recommend equity income funds as core Isa holdings. These funds typically invest in financially robust companies with a history of paying dividends to shareholders. As a result, they tend to avoid fashionable, high-growth sectors and instead deliver a consistent, if plodding, investment return.

Cushion: Brian Webzell, who faces redundancy, can fall back on his dividends

Much of the total gain comes from reinvestment of dividend payments. A £1,000 investment 20 years ago in Invesco Perpetual Income, for example, is now worth £9,067, of which £5,694 is capital growth in the value of underlying shares while £2,373 is dividend income.

One big advantage of these income-paying funds is that investors can leave the dividends to roll up when it suits them – and then opt to take them if, in future, they need the income to fund retirement. 

Brian Webzell, 56, is a self-taught investor who discovered dividend-paying funds while in the Army. 

Brian, who served 22 years as a vehicle fleet engineer, says: ‘Whenever we were posted abroad, we were visited by financial salesmen trying to sell us insurance policies and investments. They smelt fishy and inappropriate. So I set to learn more about investing, reading up as much as I could.’ 

Over the past 20 years Brian has built up holdings in about 30 trusts. He now works for Oxfordshire County Council, also in a fleet management role, while living in Witney, near Oxford. 

Five-point plan to find your right ISA

FUND broker Chelsea Financial Services advises investors to consider these points before choosing an investment Isa:

1. Define your investment goal  What do you want to use your savings for? A rainy day? School fees? To supplement your pension?

2. Match your goal to the appropriate level of risk  The longer your aim to invest, the more risk you can afford to take. 

3. Diversify  Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Depending on your goal and how long you aim to invest, you might want to invest in more than one geographical area or asset class, as well as more than one fund.

4. Manage your Isa in  one place  Don’t leave pots of money here and there if you don’t need to. Fund platforms are a good  place to start as they will  normally encourage you to consolidate your Isas. They will also allow you to review your  Isas in one place – something you should do at least once  a year.

5. Don’t pay too much  Shop around and find an Isa provider that will offer you a wide range of funds but will discount initial charges and offer free switching or other deals on your investments.

Brian prefers funds structured as investment trusts rather than the more common unit trusts (such as Invesco Perpetual Income). Investment trusts are often less expensive. They do not pay commission to intermediaries and so are not usually recommended by brokers such as Hargreaves Lansdown.

Information about them is readily available, however, at theaic.co.uk. Brian owns shares in several specialist investment trusts, such as Ecofin Trust and BlackRock New Energy. Both of these seek to profit by investing in companies involved in energy and water. 

Other holdings include Aberdeen New Dawn and JPMorgan Emerging Markets, which aims to profit from growth in markets in Asia, South America and elsewhere. But core to Brian’s investment portfolio are big, low-cost giant trusts such as Alliance, Edinburgh, Witan and Scottish. These are all faithful payers of dividends.

Until now, Brian has always had dividends reinvested into his portfolio. But he has been told he is to be made redundant in a few months, so the dividends might come in useful to top up his income.

‘Dividends are an important part of investment returns,’ he says. ‘The fact I reinvested mine in the past has helped my portfolio grow. But the joy of dividends is that if you need the income, it’s there to take. 

‘I feel relatively comfortable financially about the future. But if I don’t find employment over the next year, it’s a relief to know the dividends will be there.’

Article from This is Money